12-Steps vs. Freedom Creation: What's the difference?

Yesterday I built this weeks workshop for the FREEDOM CREATOR’s, and I realised my approach is the complete opposite of 12-step programs (AA,CA,GA)...

I call it Freedom Creation.

First, let's look at how 12-step programs start:

"We admitted we were powerless over alcohol (or addiction outside of AA) and that our lives had become unmanageable"

This is step no.1...

I wholeheartedly disagree with this idea.

If we break it down, they're suggesting...

Success begins by surrendering your power to a force (addiction) that your mind creates, influenced by an inanimate object (alcohol)...

How disempowering is that?!

This notion is prevalent throughout traditional 'recovery' ideology in areas like:

  • Alcohol

  • Gambling

  • Drugs

  • Sex

  • Porn

↳ NONE of these have power on their own.

→ We GIVE them power.

This is the fundamental difference between traditional approaches and Freedom Creation.

Freedom Creation asserts that we can reclaim the power we believe addictions hold.

This is common sense stuff...

❌ If we view something as powerful, it can dominate us

✅ If we see ourselves as in control, we regain power

Basically, we get the reality we expect.

This shift in perception is crucial.

I'll be talking more about Freedom Creation all week because there's a lot to unpack here....

For now, here are Three Core Principles we advocate:

  1. Positive Drive Principle:

    • We strive for happiness in all we do

  2. Agency & Autonomy

    • You are in control of your life

  3. Free Will

    • You choose your path

The deterministic viewpoint of addiction has gone on way too long...

Let's change some lives ✌️

Big love,


P.S. This week’s workshop, “The Freedom Solution for Addiction,” is a doozie. We're dismantling the traditional recovery methods and empowering attendees with the strategies of Freedom Creation. They'll gain complete control over their lives, enabling them to choose to stop using substances independently, without reliance on support groups or other external forces. I'm considering offering some spots to you, my email subscribers. Interested in joining us? Respond with yep if so.