7 Signs You’re Stuck in Survival Mode

In life, we've got two primary states of being:

  1. Survival

  2. Growth

Survival mode kicks in during periods of stress or trauma. This is where your body is focused on simply staying safe.

It narrows down your view and makes it really difficult to think ahead or plan for the future.

Growth, on the other hand, that's where creativity, planning, connection, all of those things really happen.

It's when you're building a life that's truly meaningful rather than just getting through each day, one day at a time.

And when you're stuck in survival mode, your brain is all about short-term safety as opposed to long-term growth and success.

This survival response might work in a crisis, but it's not great as a permanent state of being…

Here are 7 signs you might be stuck in survival mode:

1. Constant Overwhelm

Every day feels like a struggle to just keep your head above water. You’re juggling too many things, and it feels like you’re never really getting ahead.

2. Lack of Energy

You’re always tired, no matter how much rest you get. Even small tasks feel exhausting, and you struggle to find the motivation to do anything beyond the basics.

3. Short-Term Thinking

You’re focused on getting through today, not planning for the future. Long-term goals and dreams feel distant (or non-existent), almost irrelevant when trying to survive the moment.

4. Emotional Numbness

You’ve disconnected from your feelings to cope. Instead of facing your emotions, you’ve buried them, and now you find it hard to feel anything deeply.

5. Busy Mind

Your mind is always racing, filled with worry about what could go wrong. Even when things are calm, you’re just waiting for shit to hit the fan.

6. Reactive, Not Proactive

You’re always putting out fires. You react to situations as they happen rather than taking control and making decisions that align with your truth.

7. Isolation

You pull away from others, either because you don’t have the energy for socialising or because you feel no one understands what you’re going through. You’ve built walls to protect yourself, but they’re keeping you trapped.

You don’t have to stay in survival mode forever.

I’m opening the doors to my new men’s personal development community next week. If you’re ready to take a stand in your life and move into a growth state, this could be your chance.

Send me a DM with the word "info", and I’ll share the details with you before the public launch. There will be only 5 spots available.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join a group of men committed to thriving, not just surviving.

With love,