I can't believe I'm giving this away...

1,207 Days Ago, I Set 3 Goals That Transformed My Life

Let's rewind to set the scene real quick...

It's July 2020.

• I'm in over £20k of debt.
• I'm smoking weed and drinking daily.
• I have a £600 per month Seat Leon Cupra.

So, I have no choice but to move back in with my Dad, tail between my legs.

... I go back home.

Shortly after moving in with Dad, I'm claustrophobic and realise I need to get out to reclaim my autonomy.

I know I can't afford my own place, so I start searching for rooms to rent.

I end up moving to an isolated barn house in a small town in Mid-Wales.

At this point, I'm waking up to myself and realising that I need to make some BIG changes...

Two weeks after landing in Wales, a friend introduces me to a book...

This book is "The Drummer & The Great Mountain."

I didn't know it at the time, but this book would become my ticket out of self-sabotage.

The effect this book had on me was so profound.

It was the first time EVER that I felt:

• Seen
• Heard
• Understood

I finally saw the value in reading.

Beyond that, because it's a guidebook to transforming Adult ADD/ADHD, it's written for people who have scattered minds...

That means nice big words with easy-to-follow actions. Lovely.

So anyway, there's the context.

There are 3 big goals I set back in 2021 that have now come true:

1. "(Work) – I am now self-employed and work solely through my own hypnotherapy practise."

2. "(Relationships) – I have a girlfriend who I also consider to be my best friend."

3. "(Personal Development) – I have a clear understanding of my feelings, emotions and the way my mind works."

^ these are the exact words from my document.

Before I found this book, I’d set goals that never materialised, leaving me feeling deflated.

Not this time. It all came together.

It's real.

Last night, I delivered Goal Setters Secrets to my community clients in the Freedom Creator.

This was a surreal moment for me.

I was able to reverse engineer the process I did way back in 2021, add in more nuance based on what I've learned since becoming a therapist and performance coach... and then teach it to my clients.

What a gift. I'm FULL of love as I'm writing this.

Now, this framework, which I've coined The 4-Step Vision Pathway, is a permanent resource for my community clients to create their dream lives...

Because I'm SO passionate about this process, I'm giving away the Goal Setters Secrets PDF to my email subscribers today.

No BS, the content discussed in this document has taken 1,000's of hours and £££ to create.

The value in this thing is wild. But I want YOU to experience this.

As a loyal email subscriber… it’s free to you 😀 

I really hope you enjoy and get some value.

With love,