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  • "But Dan, everyone in my circle uses, I'd be alone if I quit."

"But Dan, everyone in my circle uses, I'd be alone if I quit."

the quickest way to stay addicted.


"But Dan, all my friends use, I'd be alone if I quit."

Let’s break this down...

What's really at play?

At its core, it's fear.

The fear of solitude.

Dread of abandonment.

And yes, it's fucking terrifying.

Who wants to navigate this world alone?

No one!

But… to get past this, you must confront yourself.

What matters more?

A) Clinging to an addiction-ridden life, or

B) Letting go of fake connections for your freedom.

I know what I'd choose...

Here's the harsh truth as I see it:

Many battling addiction live in a bubble 🫧

Convinced they know their true friends.

Yet, when the haze of substances clears…

these so-called 'friends' vanish.

“Ohhh you’re not drinking?… cyaaaa”

Btw… I'm not saying all your friends are worthless.

But be honest with yourself… in fact:

Write a list of all your ‘friends’ you use with.

Think about value & depth.

Value = their positive impact on your life.

Depth = the realness of your connection.

Put a ✅ next to the friends that add these things.

And a ❌ next to the one’s who don’t.

Most likely, not many ticks…. right?

It's a tough pill to swallow.

Realising your social life is built on thin ice is scary.

But it's also liberating…

It's your cue to seek out relationships that are:

  • Meaningful

  • Supportive

  • & Genuine

So what's the takeaway?

They were never your real friends.

True friends support you at your best AND worst.

Without substances defining those moments.

⌃ that’s the important point ← remember it.

WITHOUT substances.

They’re just happy to be around you,

Share moments with you,

and connect to you.

Your next move:

Consider this a chance to redefine your circle.

Make friends that aren’t just about the ‘good times’.

They’re about genuine support and growth.

Ask yourself:

“Who's really there for me?”

“And who's just here for the ride?”

It's time to rethink your friendships.

And if you’re stuck on where to start…

I’ll help you create a new social circle.

Till next Tuesday, keep winning.


Thanks for reading. Sending you love ❤️