Doors to the FREEDOM CREATOR open in 10 days.

Sprint → Rest → Sprint → Rest…

Doors to the FREEDOM CREATOR open in 10 days.

Why not stay open all the time? Let me explain…

Loving what you do doesn't erase challenges.

The biggest challenge I face right now is overworking. My girlfriend Bezzle (her name’s Beth, but I call her that) often has to peel me away from my desk…

In the early days of my therapy/coaching career, I burnt myself out over and over again. This work is seriously demanding from an energetic standpoint…

Couple that with my natural desire to sell (you can take the boy out of sales…), and you’ve got a recipe for exhaustion…

3 months ago, on the brink of burnout AGAIN, I sat down with my journal and found clarity:

  • I value mission over money

  • I want to give my best to everyone

  • Selling all the time is tiring a.f (you know this)

“WHY AM I PUSHING SO HARD?!…” I asked myself.

I realised I had to s l o w d o w n

☝️Me burning out 3 months ago…

Here’s how I figured things out:

  • Focused attention

    • I limit spots so I can give personal help to each client

  • Better service

    • Smaller groups mean workshops are more valuable

  • Stronger community

    • Group coaching calls build a supportive network

  • Balanced growth

    • A steady approach keeps me from burning out

  • Increased value

    • Limited openings create excitement and exclusivity

  • Genuine engagement

    • No high-pressure sales, just real value

Most coaches/therapists stay open all the time. This is not only exhausting, but it turns off potential clients because the therapist/coach seems super needy on ‘sales’ calls… maybe you’ve experienced this?

So, I open the doors to the FREEDOM CREATOR once a month for 2 weeks only. Spots are always capped—this time at 4.

This ensures I can support new members and keep moving forward commercially.

I like to think of it as commercial athleticism…

Sprint → Rest → Sprint → Rest… etc

Building the FREEDOM CREATOR is my life’s work. Whilst I have a big vision (to help over 1,000 salespeople overcome addiction in the next 3 years)... slow and steady growth is the right approach while we’re still building the foundations.

It’s a journey. Want to join us? Get the details here.

T-minus 10 days 🚀

Big love,
