Doors open for 72 hrs (for you only)

Friendly heads-up… Doors to work with me are open for 72 hours, exclusively for newsletter subscribers.

There are 5 spots available for the first intake of the Sovereign Man programme, and I want you to have the first shot.

Once these spots are gone, doors won’t open again for a while.

If you’re looking to break addictive patterns, make clear decisions, and feel fully present—in your life and especially around women—now’s the best time to step up.

Results in my last community speak for themselves. I don’t rely on guarantees… but when you apply the playbook, cool things happen:

- James owned his story and is training as a therapist

- Conor launched a podcast on addiction recovery

- Tim landed his dream job and relocated his family to Dubai

- Charlie wrote a 90-day sobriety journal (now listed on Amazon)

- Gareth stopped sniffing coke and increased his monthly income by 200%+

I could go on, but you get the idea.

If you want info (no call required), DM me "info" on LI or IG and I'll send you all the details.

With love!