The Self-Mastery Paradigm

I used to live a divided life…

The confident character I showed the world was a fraud.

I made it up as I went along, borrowing beliefs and character traits from the people around me.

At the time, I was spending time with people who were:
→ Unambitious
→ Super judgemental
→ Drinking alcohol 3-4x p/we

So as you can imagine, the character I built wasn't great...

This is what we call 'The Divided Self...'

It's the conflict between our true, authentic identity and the false self we show the world.

Take Charlie, for example, a client of mine who works in recruitment.

In this line of work, the energy we project is crucial.

She was living a divided life, just like I had.

The confident persona she showed the world masked a deep internal struggle.

Charlie reached out to me for help with alcohol.

"I just don't know why I can't stop," she said.

Whenever I hear these words, I know where to go...

"It sounds like you have no purpose," I responded.

After a moment of silence, she cried.

It was a breakthrough moment.

Now, Charlie is:
→ Part of our private community of Sober Salespeople
→ Alcohol-free for over 6+ months and loving life
→ Qualified in recovery/sober coaching

Thank you Charlie!💙 

The key to her success is The Self-Mastery Paradigm.

To build our dream life we must master these 4 areas:

1. Heart 💙 
→ Living from a high emotional state.

2. Mind 🧠
→ Upgrading mindsets, beliefs, and worldview.

3. Hands
→ Developing essential skills and habits for success.

4. Health 🏥
→ Mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Tonight at 6pm GMT, I'm leading The Self-Mastery Paradigm workshop for our private community.

In <90 mins, we will cover these four areas in detail with the aim of:
→ Building unshakable confidence.
→ Letting go of past behaviours.
→ Gaining mental clarity.

We've got 2 spots available for people outside of the Freedom Creator community…

For £47, you'll gain access to 2 hours+ worth of workshop recordings and a comprehensive Google doc with all the content for easy implementation into your life.

Respond with "MASTERY" to claim your spot and I'll send you the payment link.

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”

— Carl Jung