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  • Free 14-min Workshop - How to deconstruct ANY Mental Health struggle.

Free 14-min Workshop - How to deconstruct ANY Mental Health struggle.

Here's how I deconstruct ANY Mental Health struggle.

Whether we're talking about:

- Addiction
- Overwhelm
- Imposter Syndrome
- Anxiety
- Depression

They all all symptoms.

This is where it begins, but it goes much deeper.

The layer beneath are beliefs.

These are the subconscious lines of code that create our internal Operating System.

Much like the one in your phone / laptop.

Beliefs are typically formed in our early years from age 0-8.

There are 2 primary forms:

1) Identity
2) World View

Both shape the way we:

- Think
- Feel
- Act

Think of limiting beliefs like the low-hanging fruit of personal change.

Releasing and reprogramming them will help you feel much better, but if you want to experience transformational results...

Work with the next layer:

Emotion = Energy in Motion.

However, if you're suppressing and ignoring said emotion, it will be stagnant.

If you're suppressing and ignoring your emotions, they will become stagnant.

Think about a pond vs. a river:

- A pond is often mouldy, smelly, and not a very nice environment.

- A river, on the other hand, crashes, flows, and is clean.

A great phrase my community client taught me last night about emotion is:

Name it to tame it.

In other words, don't ignore your damn emotions.

Learn what your Emotional Set Point is, and invest ample time and effort trying to raise your frequency.

Now we need to understand where our emotions come from.

Simple answer is:

Our past experiences.

Everything comes from here.

Most people have a debilitating fear of looking back at difficult past experiences.

But that resistance to confront their internal truth is what keeps them trapped in struggle.

If you want to free yourself from the pain and difficulty you're experiencing NOW.

You must resolve the PAST.