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- Read this if you struggle to set goals
Read this if you struggle to set goals
Goals used to genuinely scare me...
I had no idea how to approach them.
I'd look around to friends and notice them setting these outlandish goals with total conviction and confidence.
But I never knew how.
Sure, I'd try...
For example, I'd always wanted to be rich as a kid.
So when I worked in sales, I'd constantly tell myself I wanted to earn £100k per year.
I don't know what it was about that number, I guess it just sounds nice.
For a long time, I failed to hit it.
Why? Because there was no emotional connection to it.
In fact, there was zero emotional connection to any of the benign goals I used to set myself.
This is where I (& most other people) go wrong.
We set goals based on what we 'think' we want...
But it's actually nothing to do with our desires most of the time.
Often, we operate from a place of insecurity, and we feel that by achieving whatever the arbitrary thing is that we think we want...
We will feel enough.
But let me tell you, as someone who has had to confront the depths of their soul through bed bound depression...
Unless you align your goal(s) with a meaningful vision of what you want your life to look like.
It won't happen, and you'll stay miserable.
This is why I created Goal Setters Secrets, which I'll be teaching to my community clients this evening.
I'll break this down on LinkedIn in more detail tomorrow...
For now though, here's a quick preview of the process:
1. Discover: Identify Talents & Abilities
2. Dream: Daydream with Purpose
3. Map: Set Long-Term and Short-Term Goals
4. Act: Develop Doable Daily Actions
It's a nice, simple, and easy to track system.
Since I put it to work in 2021 when I hit the reset button, 90% of the goals I set myself came true.
The ones that didn't... didn't for a reason.
Because I had no emotional connection to them.
Here's the takeaway message:
Align your goals with your hearts true desire, and watch them come true.
With love,
PS. I'm giving you (my subscribers) the full 14 page document titled Goal Setters Secrets tomorrow.
If you're at a cross roads in your life or career and feel you need some clarity, this document will help you find your way.