Great leaders aren't scared of therapy.

Great leaders aren't scared of therapy.

6 years ago, it terrified me.

I'd think to myself:

▷ Am I weak?
▷ Am I overreacting?
▷ Am I thinking too much about this?

These questions kept me stuck for years.

But stepping into therapy was nothing like I feared.

❌ It's not about being labeled or judged
✅ It's about growth and development

Therapy helped me:

- Feel more confident
- Perform better at work
- Handle stress effectively

It transformed my life in so many ways.

If you're resistant towards the idea of therapy...

Whilst struggling to manage your thoughts and feelings.

Let Mental Health Awareness Week be a kick up the ass.

Take a decisive step that moves the needle:

- Submit that application form
- Hit send on that message
- Make that phone call

Shake off the stigma.

Turn Awareness → Action.

Stuck on what to do next? Message me.

I'll guide your first steps...

❌ No sales pitches
🤝 Just support

What would you say to someone on the fence about going to therapy?

PS. This is another clip from my first podcast episode dropping tomorrow.

^ I’m excited to share that with you : )
