I helped Darren overcome 12 years of PTSD in 2 hours.

I helped Darren overcome 12 years of PTSD in 2 hours.

Here's how it started:

I saw Darren's vulnerable post about five months ago.

His energy clicked with me right away.

I knew I could help him.

I sent him a VN offering my services free of charge.

Darren responded...

"I've had many offers, but you were the first to reach out personally, so I'd like to take you up on that."

So, we:

• Set up a call,
• Ensured a good fit,
• Scheduled weekly sessions.
Within two one-hour sessions, we cracked it.

Session One - Context Map:

I got a clear understanding of Darren’s problem state versus his desired state.

This helped identify the gap we needed to focus on.

Session Two - Breakthrough:

I used two techniques:

1) Timeline Reconsolidation:

We used a present trigger (emotion) and traced it back to its origin, the moment when Darren first experienced that emotion.

This identified where his unconscious mind was stuck, repeating the same event.

2) Cognitive Memory Reconstruction:

Once we identified the painful memory (an event from his military service), we updated the sub-modalities of that memory:

• Visual
• Auditory
• Kinesthetic

By corrupting the hard drive of his mind, we rendered the memory inaccessible.

Darren’s unconscious could no longer generate the same painful emotions.

After that one-hour session, Darren reported his legs going numb for a week.

This happened because the trapped emotional energy was finally moving around his body again.

Since then, not once has that memory triggered him.

The Takeaway:

Many believe that emotional relief requires years of therapy/counselling.

This isn’t true.

With the right person, you can achieve the same results as Darren.

With love,