New managers 🤬

Have you ever had your company get bought out, and suddenly, the new boss turned everything upside down for no reason? I know I have.

Last night, I coached a top performer in my community who’s in sales, smashing targets, but his company got acquired, and the new boss triggered him...

I told him, “Someone’s moved your cheese.”

He looked confused, so I explained:

The “cheese” represents what we want in life:

• Success
• Stability
• Recognition

... and when it suddenly moves, we feel lost, frustrated, and unsettled.

^ the cheese reference

But his frustration was deeper. It wasn’t just the new boss; it was the old wound of feeling undervalued.

That’s the REAL pain—one that keeps coming back.

He’s been with us for 5/6 months, building much emotional maturity. I challenged him to explore that feeling in his own time:

1. Find the root cause.
2. Break the cycle.

We’ll work through it together next week.

This is why I love group coaching. It’s supportive, challenging, and pushes each man toward self-leadership and autonomy.

We do two calls per week inside the community:

Tuesday nights are about training based on The Sovereign Man philosophy, diving into key ideas that drive growth.

Thursday nights are round-robin share sessions, during which each man brings his current puzzle, which I coach him through.

These calls keep the momentum going, ensuring every man gets what he needs to keep moving forward.

Ready to join?

With love,