The New Way to think about addiction:

The New Way to think about addiction:

NOTHING is inherently addictive. Here's why:

Firstly, let's define 'addiction(s)'...

1. Substance: Drugs, alcohol, etc.
2. Process: Behaviours like gambling, sex, etc.

For simplicity, I'll refer to these as IT.

No matter what IT is:

→ IT doesn't do anything until we use IT.
→ IT can't make you do anything.
→ IT can't chase or force you.

Calling substances or behaviours 'addictive' gives them a power they don't really have.

In doing so... we actually lose our own power.

This idea comes from the stories we hear and what we believe, not the things themselves.

Why Our Beliefs Matter:

→ What we hear from others can change our thoughts.
→ If we think IT controls us, it starts to feel true.
→ How we see IT can change how we use IT.

When we understand this, we see we're really in control.

Where Do Beliefs Come From?

Our beliefs stem from childhood, shaped by:

→ Families
→ Friends
→ School
→ Media

(everything, really)

These influences craft our views on substances and behaviours.

If we want to change how we act, we need to look at our beliefs first.

If we believe:

→ Cocaine equals cool confidence, it seems necessary.
→ Porn equals escapism, it appears as an option.
→ Alcohol equals stress relief, we crave it.

Changing our beliefs about these can diminish their allure, returning control to us.

This way of thinking puts us back in control of our lives.

Taking Action:

Challenge your beliefs. Question if your views come from personal experience or external influences.

For example, ask, "Is this belief based on what I've been told, or my own feelings?"

If anything here doesn't make sense/you want to go deeper, drop me a message and I'd be delighted to help you out : )

Thanks for reading.

Big love,

PS: Addiction vs. Physical Dependence

Addiction and dependence are not the same thing.

Addiction is when someone continues to seek a substance/behaviour because it gives them pleasure (towards.)

Dependence is when they're avoiding pain and discomfort (away from.)

When it comes to substances, physical dependance means the body has gotten so used to a substance that it starts to feel bad without it.

If planning to quit a substance that your body relies on... professional medical advice is often essential.

NOTE: This doesn’t mean you can't choose to stop; it just means you should be careful and seek support when needed.

Ok bye for real now...