quitting alcohol will not solve your problems.

here's why

Sorry lads, quitting alcohol will not solve your problems.

Here's what I mean by that.

Most people think alcohol is the CAUSE of their issues.

A cause happens outside your control, like gravity pulling an apple from a tree.

The apple falls → it hits the ground.

That’s a cause.

But when it comes to alcohol, it’s not about cause and effect...

It’s about REASONS.

Your alcohol (or drug) induced self-sabotage isn’t just happening to you.

It’s a choice driven by deeper reasons:

• Fears
• Beliefs
• Patterns
• Insecurity

That you may not even be fully aware of yet.

Blaming alcohol is easy. It’s convenient.

But it doesn’t get to the root of the issue.

The real challenge is understanding why you’re reaching for the drink in the first place.

• What are you trying to numb?
• What are you trying to escape?
• Who are you afraid you'll be without it?

Quitting isn’t the solution...

It’s the beginning of a deeper understanding of yourself.

In The Sovereign Man, we start with a 30-day detox from alcohol and other substances.

This creates a powerful opening for self-discovery and growth.

Within the opening, we isolate and resolve the REASONS for drinking.

Some men find life is clearer, calmer, and more focused without it.

Others choose Conscious Moderation, guided by intention, not habit.

Neither path is right or wrong. What matters is that it comes from a place of true alignment.

Doors are open for the next 8 days.

Get started for just £25.

Full details here.

Have a great weekend.

With love,