Shaming prospects doesn't work

Shaming is the recovery societies main hook... and you've probably felt it.

Stuff like this:

  • "Care about your health?! Stop the damage"

  • "Your kids deserve better… stop this NOW"

  • "Want to set this example?!"

They're designed to shame you into quitting. This is common in ‘Sober Coach’ content.

But shaming is not the way, my friends.

Why? Because it overlooks the…

Positive Drive Principle (PDP).

What is PDP?

It’s simple: We move towards pleasure and away from pain.

where are you on the scale?

Think of a child learning to walk. Do we shame them for falling? No. We encourage them to keep trying.

Shaming. Doesn’t. Work.

Ask substance users why they began:

  • For the high

  • To loosen up

  • To relieve stress

In other words, the pursuit of happiness.

(‘Happiness’ could also be the avoidance of trauma btw—it was for me.)

But the recovery industry's focus on shaming keeps them trapped.

This approach makes people feel flawed and broken.

I’ve met countless people who are ‘in recovery’ and still miserable…

The Truth is This:

Before we can set ourselves free, we must understand why we started. That means going against the status quo and asking:

“What DO I actually like about this?”

At the FREEDOM CREATOR, we do things differently.

  • We park guilt and shame.

  • We aim for psychological freedom.

  • We don’t require you to label yourself as an addict.

Choice once led you to substances for happiness.

Now, you’re choosing differently, hence why you’re on my list…

My job is to empower you with:

  • The knowledge

  • The strategies

  • The coaching

  • & the hope

For you to choose a life free from substances. No shaming involved.

It really is that simple : )

Big love,


PS. Want a FREE social pressure PDF cheatsheet? Respond with "yep" and I'll shoot it over : )