The top reason salespeople fail in sobriety

As you learned yesterday, the top reason salespeople fail in sobriety is social pressure.

When I say social pressure, I mean:

  1. Friends inviting you to bars or parties

    • It can be hard to say no.

  2. Family gatherings with alcohol

    • Feeling pressured to join in.

  3. Work events where drinking is common

    • Not wanting to seem different.

  4. Peer pressure

    • Friends urging you to "just have one drink."

Sound familiar?

If you want to go sober, you want to feel confident… right?

Of course! I sure do.

That's what we do inside the Freedom Creator...

We create confidence from the inside out by focusing on these 3 pillars:

  1. Education: Empowers you with wisdom

  2. Coaching: Turns wisdom into action

  3. Community: Provides support

Customer feedback from J, Finance Broker after 2 weeks in the community:

"I’m not alone, the hardest thing I dealt with when going sober before was feeling incredibly isolated. It’s so comforting meeting and talking through issues with people that are currently and have previously had similar problems."

Can you relate?


This evening at 6pm, I'm hosting a workshop called the Sober Social System™️.

Our roadmap tonight (6pm UK) ^

In this 60-minute plug-and-play system, I will:

  • Eliminate their fear of judgment and rejection

  • Dismantle the belief they 'need' to drink socially

  • Give communication frameworks to stand their ground

NOTE: This is not a 'recovery' program.

It's about:

  • Empowerment.

  • Autonomy.

  • Truth.

OHH… As a special thank you for staying subscribed to my newsletter, I’m offering you an exclusive 50% discount on the workshop.

That means you can attend for just £10—almost the price of a pint in some parts of London 😄

Simply reply with the word “SOBER” to secure your spot.

Existing customers, see you at 6pm! 😎

Big love,
